Relish Recipes — Drinks
Canada Day Lemonade & Ice Box Cookies
Posted by Donna-Marie Pye on

STALK TALK: It's Rhubarb Season!
Posted by Donna-Marie Pye on

Rhubarb is a tell-tale sign of spring. But what exactly is it? Rhubarb is a spring vegetable, one of the few that is still truly seasonal. The edible part of this perennial plant is the vibrant pink stalk, which is almost always cooked with lots of sugar because it is very sour. Raw rhubarb is quite sour, just as mouth-puckering as lemon. Eating raw rhubarb stalks is completely safe and we recommend trying a little slice the next time you’re cooking with it just to experience its purest flavour. What rhubarb tastes like is really a question about what it tastes...
Tropical Booster Smoothie
Posted by Donna-Marie Pye on

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- Tags: Breakfasts, Drinks
Homemade Eggnog
Posted by Donna-Marie Pye on

Summer Pudding Jam
Posted by Donna-Marie Pye on

From Jam Bake by Camilla Wynne, Penguin Random House, 2021
This jam is a great solution for those times when you come home from the farmers' market with a half pint of every berry you couldn't resist buying but aren't sure what to do with them. I came up with this recipe when I moved to a house to a house with my first real honest-to-god garden in the ground and started planting the berries I'd always of growing; black and golden raspberries, black currants and jostaberries. The trouble is, most berries take a few years to get established, so I only had a handful of each the first few years. On their own, each bush's harvest was just a snack, but together they made a jam. This recipe also works well with frozen fruit. If you buy an extra half pint of berries every time you go to the maket, throw them into the freezer and come November, when you're facing the true onset of winter, you can make what tastes like British summer pudding - a mixture of juicy sweetened berries encased in soft white bread. - Camilla Wynne
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- Tags: baking, Bread, Breakfasts, cookbook, Drinks, Strawberries