Workshop: Ice Cream Know How

Posted by Donna-Marie Pye on


  • 1 cup whipping (35%) cream
  • ½ cup whole milk
  • ⅓ + ¼ cup granulated sugar
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 vanilla bean pod, cut open and seeds scraped out
  • Pinch kosher salt


  1. Prepare a large bowl filled with ice cubes and a bit of water, place a smaller bowl inside it and set aside.
  2. Combine cream, milk, vanilla seeds and pods, ⅓ cup sugar, and the pinch of salt in a medium sauce pot. Whisk together on medium heat, stirring occasionally until the mixture is warmed through and starting to come to a simmer, about 5 minutes.
  3. In a separate medium bowl whisk together your egg yolks and remaining ¼ cup sugar until the mixture is pale in colour and light and frothy.
  4. While continuously mixing, slowly pour in about half of the hot liquid to temper the eggs. It is important to pour slowly and continue to mix to prevent the eggs from cooking.
  5. Transfer the cream base back to the stove top on medium heat, and while continuously whisking again, slowly pour back your tempered egg mixture into the cream. At this point you just continue to gently stir while the custard is cooking, it will start to thicken up and should register to 185f(85c) on a thermometer.
  6. Strain the mixture immediately into the ice bath bowl, carefully using the back of a spoon to press the custard through but making sure not to press any pieces of cooked egg.
  7. Allow the mixture to cool then transfer to the desired icecream storage of your choice, this can be frozen in a container, placed in a ninja creami container, or transferred to a ice cream machine to be churned.
Makes 1 pint

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